A Star Society for the Performing & Fine Arts
A Star Society provides financial support for disadvantaged and at-risk children and youth to take our valuable dance programs. These programs motivate students, increase self-esteem, build confidence and create community. Besides excellent training in dance, students can become empowered to actualize their potential, be socially responsible and create positive change.
Get involved!
Education in the arts is considered by leading educators to be as important as literacy and numeracy, but it is often the first to be cut. Your financial support is vital for enriching the lives of children and youth who would otherwise not receive the profound benefits of education in the arts.
Help us change the future for these children.
To donate, please send an e-transfer to astarsociety@gmail.com. Please provide your name and email address for your tax receipt. Tax receipts are available through our sponsor, the Arts in Action Society.
Thank you for your support!
School Hip Hop Workshop
School professionals have commented on how all encompassing this experience has been for their students’ academic, physical, social and emotional well-being. Every student is engaged and focused including those who have challenges in their academic and social school life.
These students’ enthusiasm and full participation have allowed their teachers to see them in a new light: that these same students can focus, complete a project, and experience success.
Research shows that more instances of experiencing success is highly correlated to an individual’s optimism and resilience. Teachers report that they use ideas from A Star Society instruction to recreate this full participation and enthusiasm for their other academic subjects.
At the end of 5 days of instruction per grouping, students are able to perform and excite an audience with their newfound skills. This brings together the whole community of parents, teachers, administration, staff and classmates. Everyone is inspired and motivated by this culminating experience.
SPARK! School Credit Program
Beginning September 2020, A Star Society and Boogaloo Academy will partner with the Richmond Virtual School to offer a half-day dance program which will allow students to receive high school graduation credits for classes taken.
Open to all skill levels, this program will offer students from grades 9-12* who are currently enrolled in a Richmond district school, the opportunity to earn up to 16 credits. 8 for Fine Art and 8 for PE, depending on the number of classes taken.
*Grade 8 credits are available at select schools.
SPARK! Elite Level Dance Program
Beginning September 2020, A Star Society and Boogaloo Academy will partner with Magee Secondary to offer a half-day dance program which will allow students to receive high school graduation credits for classes taken.
Tailored for elite level students enrolled in the Magee Secondary SpArts Half-Day program, this curriculum will offer high school students from grades 8-12 Fine Arts and/or PE credits for taking afternoon dance classes.